King Hussein Bridge - Jordan | Easy Rental

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King Hussein Bridge - Jordan


king hussein bridge
Tel: +962 79 602 40 40
Fax: +962 5 3582 555
Jawal: 05 999 06 199
Business Hours: 8:30 AM - 11:00PM
Email : info@

24 h pickup
24 h return



King Hussein Bridge:

This is the crossing point between Jordan and the occupied Palestinian Territories - oPT (also known as the West Bank). it is not an official border since the oPT is not an independent state. It is an "unofficial" border defined as a Crossing Point by the Jordanians. In Jordan it is known as the King Hussein Bridge. In Israel & Palestine it is known as Allenby Bridge. Note entry to Jordan with an Israeli passport is not allowed at Allenby Bridge.

King Hussein Bridge Opening times for the coming period:

King Hussein Bridge will close on Yom Kippur and Eid Al Adha. Following are the dates for Yom Kippur in the next few years: September 14, 2013; October 4, 2014; September 23, 2015. Following are future approximate dates (exact dates are known only a few days before since the date depends on the sighting of the moon) for Eid Al Adha: October 15, 2013; October 4, 2014; September 23, 2015.

King Hussein Bridge has shorter opening times during some Jewish holidays. These are announced only a few days in advance (and not always!). For the eve of Yom Kippur the bridge closes very early - sometimes at 10 am! Be sure to check bridge opening times around Jewish holidays (Passover, Shavout, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Succot, Hannukah) and the Moslem Holiday of Eid Al Adha & the Islamic New Year.

King Hussein opening times during upcoming holidays

OCT 15, 2013: Bridge closes on first day of Eid Adha. This is Oct 15.
NOV 4, 2013: Bridge closes earlier than usual for Muslim New Year. We recommend: To cross from Jordan to Jerusalem be at the Jordanian terminal no later than 18.00. To cross from Jerusalem to Jordan be at the Israeli Terminal no later than 19.00.

King Hussein Bridge opening times:

King Hussein border crossing opening hours are as below. The opening times are based on the Israeli clock. While there is a time difference between Jordan and Israel, go according to the Israel time. We recommend you arrive much earlier than the closing time to cross - see below:

Sunday through Thursday: 08:00 - 22.00
Friday, Saturday, Jewish Holidays & eve of Jewish Holidays*: 08.00 to 13.30
Closed on Yom Kippur & Eid Adha (see above for dates in 2013).

Latest time to arrive at the border:

From Jordan to Jerusalem:
Sunday through Thursday: 20:00 (last bus at 20:30)
Friday, Saturday & Jewish Holidays & eve of Jewish Holidays*: 10:30 (last bus at 11:30)
From Jerusalem to Jordan:
Sunday through Thursday: 21:15 (last bus at 22:00)
Friday, Saturday & Jewish Holidays & eve of Jewish Holidays*: 12:15 (last bus at 13:30)
*On eve of Yom Kippur border closes earlier than above

We recommend arriving at least one hour before the last time to arrive at the border. Occassionally authorities will close early without notice.In case you arrive late at Allenby Bridge, you can travel instead via the Jordan River Bridge Crossing (also known as Sheikh Hussein Bridge). This is approximately 1 hour north of Allenby Bridge.

When is the Bridge Busy:

The eve of and the day after Yom Kippur
The day before and the day after the closing of the bridge for Eid Adha.
The last day or two of Eid Adha when visitors are returning to & from Jordan.
One day before Eid Adha (when people are going home to spend the Eid at home) and three or four days after the end of Eid Adha when the pilgrims are returning from the Haj. This starts a few days after the Eid and last for around 5 days.

Exit taxes:

From Jordan: Exit tax out of Jordan (JOD 10 pp, approx. $15- subject to change). You are exempt from this tax if you are in Jordan no more than one night.

From West Bank to Jordan at Allenby Bridge or King Hussein Bridge: NIS176 (approximately $52 - subject to change)

From Israel to Jordan at Jordan Valley Border (sometimes known as Sheikh Hussein Bridge): NIS 103 pp (approximately $32)

Note all taxes are paid in local currency.

Transport between border Terminals - Shuttle & VIP:

The Jordanian and Israeli terminals are approximately 5 klm apart. There are two ways to get from one to the other - A shuttle bus or the VIP van:

  • The shuttle bus costs JOD 5.00 pp (approx $7) plus JOD 1.50 (approx $2) per each luggage checked in the bus hold. Payment accepted in major currencies other than JOD. The first shuttle bus from the Jordanian Terminal leaves at or shortly after 08:30 am. The first shuttle from the Israeli Terminal leaves around 9.00 am. The shuttle then leaves every 1-2 hours. There does not seem to be any regular schedule.
  • The VIP service between the Jordanian and Israeli Terminals costs approximately $100 pp each way. The service includes "VIP" waiting rooms, assistance with immigration, security and luggage; plus a van shuttle between the terminals. Usually clients go to the front of any queues. The VIP service can save lots of frustration and speeds up the crossing considerably (especially when the border is busy) and allows it to be done more comfortably.
  • When crossing from Amman to Jerusalem the VIP service saves the wait for the shuttle bus between the Jordanian and Israeli terminals since a van is provided; and the VIP service expresses you to the front of all the queues for security checks and immigration procedure. This can be a considerable saving in time and inconvenience.
  • When crossing from Jerusalem to Amman the VIP service saves you queuing for immigration and waiting for the shuttle bus from the Israeli to Jordanian terminal since a van transfer is provided. It also saves you some time waiting for the immigration service in the Jordanian terminal.
  • Generally our recommendation is:
  1. Use the shuttle bus if you feel the VIP service cost is too high.
  2. If you want to spend some money to save time and hassle, then take the VIP from Amman to Jerusalem.
  3. If money is not a worry then take the VIP service both ways: from Amman toand from Amman to Jerusalem.

Currency Exchange:

West Bank Terminal: There is a currency exchange place in the departure terminal.
Jordanian Terminal: There is a currency exchange in the arrival terminal that closes around 4 pm Sunday to Thursday and 12 on Friday, Saturdays and early closing days.

Duty Free:

West Bank Terminal: There is no Duty Free.
Jordanian Terminal: There is a Duty Free shop. You can purchase duty free items on departure or arrival

Visas & Entry to Jordan:

You are NOT able to get a visa to Jordan at King Hussein/ Allenby Bridge. You must have a visa in advance to enter Jordan at King Hussein/ Allenby Bridge. You may apply for a visa in your home country, at the Jordanian Embassy in Tel Aviv or the Jordanian Representative Office in Ramallah. You are able to enter Jordan at Allenby Bridge/ King Hussein Bridge if you have a Jordanian visa or if you meet either of the following conditions:

  1. If you have crossed from Jordan to Jerusalem via King Hussein/ Allenby Bridge, then you are allowed to return to Jordan from King Hussein/ Allenby as long as your Jordan visa is still valid. So, for example, if you arrived in Jordan at the airport on June 1 & got a one month visa, then your visa is valid till July 1. If you cross at Allenby from Jordan to Jerusalem, then you can return to Jordan via Allenby on the same visa any time till July 1. After July 1 you cannot enter Jordan at Allenby Bridge as your visa has expired.
  2. If you are a group and we apply for group entry permit on your behalf. To do this you must meet all the following conditions:
  • You consist of at least 5 people
  • you spend at least 2 overnights in Jordan
  • you arrive and depart together as a group
  • you send us all your passport details in advance (we will send you what we need)
  • you give us 5 days’ notice for Europeans, Americans and Canadians; and 14 days’ notice for other nationalities.

If you arrive at Allenby Bridge from Israel or Palestine and have not met the above 2 conditions and do not have a visa to Jordan you will be turned back by the Jordanians and refused entry to Jordan at Allenby. You can then travel north to enter Jordan at Sheikh Hussein (or Jordan River Crossing) or return to Ramallah or Tel Aviv and get a visa to Jordan at the Jordanian representative office or Embassy.

You can get a visa to Jordan at Sheikh Hussein Bridge (also known as the Jordan River Crossing) which is one hour north of Allenby or King Hussein Bridge. Visas cost JOD 20 (or $30) per person.

Note certain nationalities are restricted and must apply for visas in advance (usually countries from poorer countries).

Entry to Jordan at Allenby/ King Hussein Bridge is not allowed with an Israeli passport. The Jordan River Crossing point and Arava are the points of entry to Jordan for Israeli passports holders.

Israeli & Jordanian Stamps in passports

If you do not wish to have your passport stamped with an Israeli stamp then you may request Israeli immigration not stamp your passport. When you arrive at the immigration hall at the Israeli terminal ask the immigration officer for form 17LBEFORE handing over your passport. Fill in the form and hand it over to the immigration officer with your passport and clearly tell them that you do not want your passport stamped. They will stamp the form instead of your passport. Be sure to keep this form with you, as it is your proof of entry to the country and to show at Israeli checkpoints if asked.

Note it is your responsibility to be clear to the Israeli immigration and we cannot guarrantee they will comply with your request. We cannot be present there to assist you; nor do we have control over Israeli Immigration practices. From our experience not having your passport stamped does not seem to be a problem and seems to be an accepted practise by the Israeli Authorities. We have not had an incident whereby a passport has been stamped against the wishes of the tourist for over 10 years.

Note Jordan does not stamp passports at Allenby Bridge/ King Hussein Bridge.

Crossing from Jordan to Jerusalem:

The following are the steps when crossing from Jordan to Jerusalem:

  1. ArriveJordanian Terminal:
    Go through immigration or passport control & wait for the shuttle bus. The immigration officer will keep your passport & return it to you on the bus.
  2. Shuttle Bus
  3. ArriveIsraeli Terminal  a.On arrival at the Isareli Terminal, you need to disembark from the bus; identify your luggage and hand it over with your passport to security for checking. If you only have hand luggage you still need to hand over your passport for a check. There are several queues for secrity, immigration and customs. The whole process is not confusing and not clear. But you will eventually get through.b.The car picking you up from the Israeli terminal will be waiting for you just outside the terminal . The driver will have a sign with your name. If you have a taxi voucher walk to the taxi booth 5 meters on the left as you exit the terminal

The whole border process starting at the Jordanian border terminal and ending at the exit of Israeli terminal can take anything between 2-5 hours. Usually it takes longer when the border is busy. This tends to be during the summer months (July, August) and around Moslem holidays (when Palestinians travel to and from the oPT). The border is also busy when there is Umrah (Moslem Pilgrimage) traffic returning to Israel and Palesine. This seems to occur on Sundays and Mondays of the week.

The good news is that any delays that occur are upon entering Palestine/ Israel and almost never when leaving Israel/ Palestine and entering Jordan.

Note, much as we would wish otherwise, we have no control over the procedure, systems, crowds and queues at the border. Look at these as the possible price to pay to visit the great city of Jerusalem. If you want to avoid them consider paying the steep approximately $100 pp for the VIP service; or travelling via the Jordan River Border (also known as Sheikh Hussein - though here you will add 3 hours of driving). You may also consider complaining to the Israeli authorities about the situation at the border.